Tuesday, 30 September 2014


1.          警察都是香港人
2.          警隊中都有好人、有有良心的人、有盡心盡力的人
3.          警察最近日夜工作,很疲累
4.          警隊為香港做了很多事,多年來令香港治安良好
5.          警察要服從上司命令

Monday, 29 September 2014

Ten Sayings about the Protesters that Struck Me

This is an English translation of the Chinese article posted on 27 Sept

I am not blindly supporting the students. I am simply supporting anyone who fights for justice. I have heard of a number of sayings about the protesters and the students, and I would like to respond to them one by one.
1. "One person one vote is already an improvement. Why don't we take it?"
Let's say your parents are so liberal and merciful that they allow you to enjoy the freedom to choose your own bride. The pre-requisite is that they limit your options to just two women chosen by them. In the event you like neither of them, sorry, tough luck. Do you see this as "freedom to choose"? Would you take it?
2. "It's OK even though there is no real democracy. It has nothing to do with my life."
Many people think that even though there is no real democracy, it doesn’t impact them personally. That is not true. Without the right to elect your own leaders, it means however notorious the people in power are, they can remain in power as long as they like. They do not need to care about the needs of ordinary people. They would continue to collude with the business tycoons, and do their best to defend their interests. They would come up with every possible policy to facilitate the migration of mainlanders to Hong Kong so that they could "dilute" the Hong Kong population, despite the fact that intense conflicts have grown between the two peoples. They could continue to erode Hong Kong's judicial independence by ordering the judges to be patriotic to China. They could continue to bullshit, saying things like, the CCP is the largest democratic force in Hong Kong, and that the fact that the democrats can stay alive proves China's inclusiveness. They continue to stifle the freedom of speech, turning almost all the newspapers and TV channels into government mouthpieces.
Perhaps you would still think all these do not bother you. But they are important to people who pursue justice. Please, at least do not pour cold water on them.
3. "Students VS the CCP? Students are bound to lose. What can students do? All will be fruitless!"
It has never been easy to fight for what you want in front of those in power. Back then, how many people had said to Martin Luther King and Gandhi respectively, that "civil disobedience will not work out"? If they had given up, what kind of life would African-Americans and Indians be living today?
If everyone obeys the authorities because they think they would in no way achieve anything by fighting against the government, there will be no human rights, justice or democracy in the world. Ordinary people would be slaves for the rich and powerful for ever and ever.
4. "They are making Hong Kong chaotic, undermining our economy, damaging HK's international image."
Whenever people fight for their political rights they displease those in power. Are you really calling them trouble-makers for that?
Those who said that Occupy Central would severely damage Hong Kong's economy have always been the government, its allies and the rich and powerful. How exactly would protesters affect the economy? No one could really tell. Even if it may have an impact, is the economic growth or justice more important?
Freedom, judicial independence and a clean government have always been the qualities which uphold Hong Kong's international image. It is the authorities who more and more blatantly undermine these qualities, while the people are defending them in their own ways. Who are the ones who are actually undermining Hong Kong's international image?
There are a lot more demonstrations, protests and marches in London than in Hong Kong. These protests have not seemed to cause any damage to London's economy or its international image.
5. "They broke the rules. It's not right."
For decades these pro-democracy campaigners have abided by the rules, hoping they would reach a solution through dialogue. Only after it has long proven fruitless, they have finally resorted to civil disobedience.
Is it always right to abide by the laws and rules? The reasons behind having laws and rules are to uphold fairness and justice in the society. However, under an unjust system and totalitarian rule, it is sometimes necessary to reach a bigger goal by breaking some rules.
Needless to say, not all the rules in the world are worth being followed. Let's use the same example. What would you think if your parents say to you, "I've chosen two women for you and you can opt for one as your wife. This is my house rule. If you don't do as I say, if you want to meet another girl of your choice, I will punish you as you broke my rule!"
The meaning behind civil disobedience is to break some so-called rules in a non-violent way. The participants are clear that they may be arrested, which may have tremendous impact on their future. And yet they are still willing to take the risks. This is the kind of sacrifice not anyone is ready to make.
6. "They are violent. It's not right."
If you have not been to the scene, please do not trust the reports by most Hong Kong-based media like TVB news. People who have been there could all see how violent the police force was, and how restrained the students were.
Yes, the students climbed through an open fence to reach Civic Square, and pushed down the barriers under the flags so that they could sit down in the square. If you see these actions as violence, let me ask you this: "A woman, while being molested by a man, screamed and pushed him away. Would you call her violent and disobedient?" When injustice is around us, it is our duty to resist.
7. "The students were either manipulated, having fun, or playing heroes. They don't know what they are doing."
Have you been to the scene to meet the students and communicate with them before saying this?
For days, many have lived outdoor under the baking sun, lacking sleep. They have not eaten properly and it has even been inconvenient to find a loo. Many of them face a lot of pressure from their parents and schools. Some were trapped by the police for more than ten hours. They are taking the risks of being arrested and having a criminal record. What they’ve been doing is admirable. Not many people could do as much.
If you cannot do what they have been doing, please at least keep quiet and don't show disrespect.
8. "They are just making noise. Why can't they negotiate rationally or do something more constructive?"
Before saying that, please spend some time to research what the campaigners have done in trying to "negotiate rationally". Please research how many proposals on political reform they have submitted in a hope that the government will consider. Any negotiation is two-way. If one side has already shut the door, how could the other side continue to "negotiate rationally"? After doing the research, please ask yourself: "If I were them, is there anything I could do to continue the rational negotiation?"
Please also do some research on what they have done all the way through to be constructive. Only then, ask yourself: "On top of all these, is there anything I could do to be constructive?"
If you cannot come up with a proper answer, please don’t criticise these people as "unconstructive".
9. "The Occupy Central people are so irresponsible and hypocritical!" "After all this, the students will just go back to school as usual. What could they achieve?" "What's the point of striving for democracy under the Chinese Communist Party’s rule. Why don't they simply launch a coup d’état against the CCP?"
Some people are opposed to the government and the CCP rule and yet have disdained those fighting for justice. They’ve blamed the pan-democratic legislators for having betrayed Hong Kong people. They’ve blamed the Occupy Central leaders for not being forward enough. They called the students' actions impulsive and useless.
There is not much use in discussing anything with these people. I just want to ask them:
Ø         After criticising almost everyone else, what is your better solution?
Ø         After blaming everyone else, aren't you going back to work and living your life as usual? Or are you planning to launch a coup d’état in Tiannanmen Square instead?
Even if I could do more than the protesters, I would never criticise them for not doing enough, as everyone has his own limitations. And, in any case, the fact is that I would never be able to do more than what they have done. I will never criticise them for not doing enough, not being determined enough, or not having sacrificed enough. When others do what they can, I must at least appreciate and admire.
10. "I am not interested in politics. What are they actually fighting for?" "I know nothing about politics. I don't have a stand."
Believe it or not. A good number of people still choose to live in their own bubbles, burying their heads in the sand. They do not bother to ask any questions or make any statements. They are survivors who just want to live their lives.
The problem is that Hong Kong is a building on fire. The alarm is on. And yet you who live on the 30th floor say to yourself, "I will be fine. The fire won't spread to the 30th floor."
It is no longer a situation where you can simply say "just leave me alone". The CCP is boiling a frog. They are bit by bit breaking the promise of "one country, two systems" to Hong Kong people. If everyone chooses to bury their head in the sand, the CCP would gladly speed up totalitarian rule in Hong Kong. Very soon, Hong Kong would then be no different to the rest of China.
If, one day, your loved one was imprisoned, tortured and killed only because he had criticised the government, would you still be able to say, "I am not interested in politics. I have no stand."
Today, you may still think that politics is abstract. Tomorrow, when you finally realise that politics is affecting your everyday life, it may be too late.

An edited version of this article was published on SCMP.com

Saturday, 27 September 2014


你父母大發慈悲准你自由戀愛,前提是由他們去選定兩個女人給你選擇,假如你喜歡的是其他人,Sorry,沒有這個 option。這樣算不算自由戀愛?你會否袋住先?
-          批評了所有人的所有方法後,請問你有什麼更好的方法?
-          你罵過一個又一個人之後,明天又不是如常上班嗎?
-          難道你就真的會到天安門廣場高舉「推翻共產黨」的旗幟嗎?

English translation of the same article

Thursday, 18 September 2014


同日晚上,我們約了北京的朋友 Robin 吃飯。我結賬時,侍應發現其中兩張一百元紙幣是偽鈔。起初我很驚訝,因我的人民幣全都是從香港銀行取得,何來偽鈔?我們將下午坐的士的遭遇告訴 Robin,他一聽就知道,那司機神不知鬼不覺就將我先後遞給他的兩張一百元移花接木,換成偽鈔,「還給」我們。Robin 還解釋,司機故意不在酒店門前停車,因他知道酒店職員會記下他的車牌和姓名,他就是要避開這手續,到你們發現他行騙,也無法追究。
原來這陣子北京流出很多一百元偽鈔,所以商店和餐廳結賬時都會逐一查看。Robin 還提醒我們,假如在北京用櫃員機提款,亦應避免那種可存款又可提款的,因為有人將偽鈔存進櫃員機後,你提款時便很容易中伏。
真相大白。那短短十分鐘的車程,我們付了 230 元人民幣。破財事小,被騙的感覺才糟透。
我對 Robin 說,香港很多朋友已不再到內地旅遊,有些是因為政治環境,但有更多是因為曾在內地有類似遭遇,感到內地不安全。那騙子這樣劫走我二百元,是迫我加入我朋友的行列,叫我不再遊內地。他這樣子每天都在車廂中盤算如何騙財,晚上還睡得着嗎?
Robin 想必覺得我太天真,語氣非常肯定地說:他們根本不會想這些,他們只是想自己的錢包。

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

電視 政治 香港

那天跟英國人亂說無聊話,他說了一句自大的話(已忘了是什麼),我便說:"Your ego is bigger than our marriage!" 他聽罷說:「你這句是哪裡抄來的?簡直就像 TVB 電視劇的對白!」我說:「你又知 TVB 電視劇的對白是怎樣!」他說:「不用聽得明,也知道盡是俗不可耐的貨色。他們每齣劇都大同小異,人人住大屋,無論在哪都衣著光鮮,即使剛睡醒都頭髮亮麗;要不就是很優雅地在酒吧或咖啡店談話;要不就是一幫人圍在飯桌吃飯,某人說了什麼,然後其他人總是臉露很驚訝的神情;要不就是激動地掌摑對方;要不就是槍林彈雨……來來去去都這樣。」
有時我會訝異,英國人比我大幾歲,卻似乎懂得的比我多很多,思想比我成熟很多,胸襟比我開闊得多。想想其實很合理--他是看 BBC 大的,我是看 TVB 大的。
朋友曾形容英國人像一尊佛,總是很平和、滿足、慈祥的樣子(慈祥!)。他的確 EQ 很高。平日十之八九是我情緒低落,他來開解我的。難得有一次感到他鬱鬱不歡,我大為緊張,以為發生了什麼大悲劇連這尊佛也鬱悶起來。
他覺得像香港一個這麼小的城市,很難得這麼 dynamic;有山有海有郊野有石屎,有很戲劇化又有趣的歷史,有這城多年來賴以成功的人民素質;還有基建、交通,和最重要的美食,都是他喜歡住在香港的原因。